Hurricane Relief
Hurricane Helene, a Category 4 hurricane, landed on the western coast of Florida on Thursday, September 26, and continued to plow through several southeastern states. This historic hurricane has left a path of devastation in its wake. It was the strongest storm on record to fall on the Big Bend region of Florida, but that was only the beginning. Record flooding and winds caused entire communities to be flattened from Florida to North Carolina.
Just two weeks later, Hurricane Milton, another devastating hurricane, hit the western coast of Florida.

Midwest Mission was ready to respond.
Since the hurricanes hit, Midwest Mission has already sent over $400,000 worth of disaster relief supplies.
Midwest Mission facilitated a truck load of water to North Carolina from Midwest Food Bank to Global Citizen USA
Because of all the work volunteers have done, we were able to send three truck-loads of supplies (in ONE WEEK!) to Florida in conjunction with Food For The Poor, the Florida Catholic Conference, and the Baptist Association.
Deb and Dave Gowdy volunteered to drive supplies from Midwest Mission to a distribution point in the devastated areas of the Appalachian Mountains.
We expect many more requests to come in.
Midwest Mission only sends supplies when requested by vetted agencies. In a disaster, the situation is always changing, and we leave it up to the people on the ground to tell us what they need - we never assume, because they know the situation best. Read this article to learn more about best practices while responding to disasters.

How You Can Help
We all want to help when disaster strikes. Midwest Mission provides opportunities to help in the right way.
Donate Funds
All funds donated will allow us to purchase supplies in bulk to make Hygiene Kits, replenish supplies sent, and quickly and flexibly respond to requests that come our way.
Donate Items for Cleaning Kits
You can help us replenish our supply of Cleaning Kits by donating items we do not have! Download the Disaster Relief Bucket Flyer here. You can bring the finished Kits to Midwest Mission or a Permanent Collection Site near you.
Donate Shampoo (12-19 oz) and Heavy Duty Trash Bags (2 mil+ thick)
Make sure shampoo is 12-19 oz, and trash bags are heavy duty, or contractor bags (at least 2 mil thickness)! Bring them to Midwest Mission, or a Permanent Collection Site near you.
Spread the Word
When a disaster happens, it can be hard to know how to help. 2/3 of supplies donated in a disaster end up in the trash, because people wanted to help, but didn't know the right way. Midwest Mission always waits to respond until the needs have been communicated to us by partners. We want people to know Midwest Mission is a resource for them to put their love in action, and serve those in need by donating requested items and funds.